Are You Checking the Weather?

We are desperate for rain in San Antonio! It has been weeks since our last significant rainstorm. It feels longer.
Much like a dry spell in our weather, the state of our hearts can feel dry and parched, just needing to be soaked in hope. In support of you who suffer with chronic pain or find yourselves in a world void of hope, I am offering a song written out of the aftermath of two consecutive bouts of COVID experienced by Amanda Sudano Ramirez.
“She Checks the Weather” (JOHNNYSWIM) hit me hard over the summer. I was entering a time of mourning for my dad’s passing and realizing my grief was going to come in waves. I was “checking the weather” each morning as I rolled out of bed to see what I was feeling as I prayed, and what the day might bring. Some mornings my stomach felt like moving water, and at other times I wanted it to rain really hard so I could just stay in bed. It felt lazy. That is not anything like me, so those feelings came very unwelcomed.
I do not have chronic pain, but I am mourning. Those two things can feel very similar. I have been here before.
My hope for you who have chronic pain or care for someone who does, is that you will soak in this song and find a relatable moment that brings you to a new place of peace. I want you to know you are not alone. I want you to feel relief today and many more days to come, especially when you are desperate for the weather to change.
I pray it soothes you and relieves some of your pain today. Be well, my friend.
Listening Library: She Checks the Weather (JOHNNYSWIM)
She Checks the Weather
Every day when morning comes she checks the weather
Every day there's little hope that it gets better
So she goes out to the street
Lets the rain meet her skin again
When they shower her with love she just feels pressure
'Cause she knows that they all want her to get better
So she staggers to her feet
Let the tears stain her cheeks again
She checks the weather
Daily on the train she puts her face on
A little blush alone can hush up most the questions
And she knows she'll carry on
But the days feel so long
And as she walks she starts to notice all the faces
Surely some of them like her are only faking
The preacher on the street screams out
"Truth won't betray you, the lies will"
So she checks the weather
So she checks the weather
Every night she gets in bed, no longer tempered in her head
It's so brutal, all this keeping it together
At her window there's a breeze, what's worse tomorrow might be easier
But then again it probably will get wetter
She'll check the weather
I'll check the weather
I'll check the weather
Producer: Abner Ramirez Composer: Abner Ramirez
Composer: Amanda Sudano Ramirez
This is a such beautiful reminder and provides hope encouragement - I love it!